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Want to find some new bands/musicians you may find interesting? What do you do to achieve that goal? Search through endless lists of bands or browse the web for hours? B.A.S.S. is the solution!

Based on a one or more bands that you chose it will generate a list of bands you may like. The application checks your bands' friendlists for other bands and calculate points for each band based on how often they appear on those friendlists.

The generated list gives you information about the suggested bands/musicians, i.e. genres or amount of fans. It also provides a direct link to the band's myspace-profile, which makes it easier for you to find out more about the band.

suggestion tool at search suggestion tool generated list


To demonstrate how bands are connected in mySpace's community network we implemented a 3D engine (Java3D) capable of visualising the network around single bands. That band can be selected via a search box like the one you've already seen in the suggestion part.

The visualisation itself shows the bands on a band's friendlist and if wanted their friends as well. You have also the option to display connections between friend-bands.

visualisation complex visualisation simple


Maybe you know how many bands are registered at mySpace, but do you also know how many of them are inactive? The statistic section of B.A.S.S. knows the answer. Various charts and rankings offer general information as well as specific details, i.e. which band has gained the most fans per day.

bar chart time series chart

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