Known Bugs

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As we started with this project, we all didn't have enough skills neiter in socket programming nor in java3d etc...
As the projects growth, we followed with our abilities. If we look back we could have done so many things much better i.e. with a higer performance.
That is where you get into the game.
The problem is just that such a complex software with so many possible functions is way too much for a development time of 3 months and just three people.

Since B.a.s.s is in the beta phase and there is still a lot of work to do we would love to work with motivated people who are interested in social networks and programming generally.

Some examples of stuff that is not finished or things we may want to change in the future:

  • crawler/parser
  • Since we had to rewrite our crawlers/parsers several times due to changes on the mySpace website there are still approx. 220k friendslist of bands missing.
  • suggestion tool
  • An possible enhancement of the suggestion tool would be to compare the results with the amazon, lasfm or pandorra project results
  • 2D vis/analysis
  • Alot of social network algorithms could be added i.e. to prove the truth of the sixth degrees rule etc...
  • 3D vis
  • optimize the db-queries (if there is a possible way to do so)
  • change the whole structure of the current node/edgelists to add the feature of displaying more than one band (with it's friends) at a time.
  • add the cluster functionality to group bands with their friendbands
  • add a deeper heriarchie functionality including the depth 2 friend to friend connections. We haven't implemented this feature so far cause of extraordinary performance issues.
  • general
  • The idea was to develop a web frontend for the whole software. We skiped this feature as well cause of the database issues. This feature could only be realized if we get an external high performance db.
  • get a highspeed db somewhere and communicate via webservices with the interfaces. This would bring another advantage: The user wouldn't have to download the ~350MB database file.

  • For getting involved in this project just visit the project website at sourceforge and contact any of our developers. http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/bass

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